The 21st century is an age of computer technology where almost all activities of daily involve computers. Organizations all over the world use different information systems and computer technology to perform their responsibilities and activities of everyday life. Technological advancements such as cloud computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have made it possible to integrate computer systems into any department in an organization (Mondy & Martocchio, 2015). From healthcare to manufacturing to e-commerce, modern companies have adopted advanced technology to help them improve their performance and a competitive advantage in the highly competitive market (Noe et al., 2012). One of the areas affected by advancements in computer technology is human resource management.
There is an increasing trend in adopting social resource management software to improve the recruitment and management of employees at different levels of an organization. Research shows that implementing such technology holds a significant advantage to a company in that it facilitates cheap and efficient operations with few errors and convenient operation. The technology is in the form of third-party applications that integrate into a company’s management information system. One such software is Bitrix24. It is a multipurpose tool that helps the managers and executive of an organization to manage the company in a cheap, convenient, and efficient way. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of Bitrix24 as a Human Resource (HR) management tool. HR management tools are vital in establishing a competitive advantage in the technology era.
Topic Area of Study
Human resource management refers to the implementation of relevant tools and procedures in an organization to ensure that the people working in an organization are at their best to ensure the prosperity of an organization such that the Company gains a competitive advantage in the relevant industry. Labor is a primary factor of production for any company and, therefore, HR management is a crucial factor for any company (Noe et al., 2012).
A human resource manager is responsible for all the employees in their organization or department. The primary objective of any HR manager is to ensure that they have the best workforce and that it maintains top performance. Some responsibilities of HR managers include employee recruitment and selection, employee relations, training and development of employees in an organization, and employee compensation, motivation, and benefits.
The primary reason for choosing the area of study is that it somehow conflicts with technology. The issue of computers replacing human beings has been a hot topic in recent years, and human resource is at the center of it all. Understanding how technology can help in human resource management is vital in understanding the effect of technology in labor (Noe et al., 2012). It also gives an insight into the modern implementation of technology in management, its advantages, and the challenges of implementation and performance. Analyzing Bitrix24 as HR management will help me understand various aspects of the commercial application of technology.
Another reason for choosing HR management software is it has a direct and tremendous impact on the performance of any organization. A company is only as good as the people running and working in it, which makes HR management the backbone of any organization. The particularly interesting aspect is how computer technology is implemented in such a sensitive area. How well does it perform? Is it better than traditional HR management methods? What challenges do HR managers face when using computer technology in their work? The analysis of Bitrix24 may help address all or some of the critical questions. It is an excellent example of IT implementation in sensitive areas of an organization.

Bitrix24 is a 21st-century collaborative application designed to facilitate and support social collaboration and computerized management. The platform was launched in 2012 and has since gained a lot of popularity across different organizations all over the world (Alić, 2015). Some of the key features of the platform include project management, calendars, human resource management, file sharing, and team collaboration.
The platform can be implemented over the cloud or integrated into a company’s information system. One reason for the platform’s popularity is because it is free. Also, the platform can be implemented in any company. As a human resource management tool, Bitrix24 is efficient, reliable, and packs a punch with over 25 functions to aid in HR management (Dyuzhev & Boichenko, 2019). The platform has all the necessary features to implement reliable and efficient human resource management for a variety of organizations.
Bitrix24 is designed to solve various issues in different departments in the age of computer technology. Since its launch in 2012, man companies all over the world have adopted the platform in management and other critical areas (Alić, 2015). One important feature that the platform addresses are that it reduces the need for multiple applications.
It combines functionalities required by different departments in an organization, thus no need for numerous applications. Also, the platform has reliable and efficient vertical and horizontal communication capabilities, which improves the performance of different departments of an organization (Mondy & Martocchio, 2015). Implementing Bitrix24 holds numerous advantages for any organization.
The platform stands out from other HR management software in that it is part of a collaborative platform. It also allows other services such as e-learning and scheduling that are critical to HR management. The cloud service is also unique and gives a sense of advanced technology implementation. Another crucial aspect of Bitrix24 is its flexibility. The platform is accessible in windows, IOS, android, mac, and web 2.0, which makes it unique among its competitors.
Understanding how managers can use the collaborative features and management responsibilities securely from remote locations helps understand the advantage of implementing software solutions in sensitive areas and departments of an organization. Bitrix24 is an exciting, unique, and advanced tool in HR management.
Managerial and Administrative Implementation
Bitrix24 is an all-round collaborative platform with numerous features applicable to different levels and departments of an organization. It is, therefore, applicable across various organizations and can be used in conjunction with other tools to facilitate efficient and reliable management and administration (Bitrix, Inc, n.d.).
One critical administrative functionality of Bitrix24 is reliable communication. HR managers must maintain efficient and reliable communication to ensure efficient collaboration and good performance within an organization. In traditional HR management, HR managers struggle to reach out to the employees due to a lack of a reliable communication platform. Limited vertical communication may be problematic and may create a toxic work environment that may negatively affect the performance of employees in the organization.
Bitrix24 helps managers reach out to other employees through a reliable and efficient social platform. The News and Announcement feature go a step further to facilitate all-round communication throughout the organization, thus maintaining an open communication environment for all its employees (Alić, 2015). Communication is a critical element for any organization, and Bitrix24 plays a crucial role in ensuring reliable and efficient communication.
Another critical component of the platform is that it allows employee tracking. As an HR manager, it is vital to keep track of employees throughout the day. Some of the services that facilitate the operation include the employee directory, visual structure, time reporting, and absence structure. The features play an integral role in ensuring that the manager tracks the employees’ performance throughout. Remote access through mobile apps improves employee tracking since the manager can track employees from anywhere at any time. The tracking capabilities ease the workload on human resource managers, thus developing human resource management.
From an employee point of view, Bitrix24 facilitates secure and efficient collaboration that enhances teamwork. The communication feature makes it easy for horizontal communication, thus better performance. Also, the platforms allow for self-evaluation that enables employees to track their performance (Dyuzhev & Boichenko, 2019). Another significant feature useful for the employees is the e-learning platform.
Employees from different departments can improve their skills and learn new concepts about their work efficiently through the platform, like other features, the employees can access the functions remotely through mobile applications. Continuous learning facilitates a reliable and efficient workforce equipped with the latest skills and information (Bitrix, Inc, n.d.). Overall, Bitrix24 holds a significant advantage for various employees in an organization.
Other universally useful features of the platform include the time management feature that provides for configurable work periods, supervision, work reports, and efficiency reports. The feature is essential for all users of the platform and improves overall performance by ensuring the proper utilization of time. Another critical element is a searchable directory. Managers, supervisors, and other senior members of the organization can easily access patient information through the database search feature. n.d.).
It allows them to obtain employee information quickly, which facilitated better management and administration. The affordable and convenient features of Bitrix24 are a crucial addition to HR management in any organization all over the world. They could potentially change the negative perception of people towards computer technology and application software in management (Bitrix, Inc,
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Information Sources
Bitrix24 is one of the tops and widely accepted management tools across the world. Multiple websites collect information on the performance of the platform in different companies and situations. The sites give detailed information and comparisons with other similar management software. Also, the company website is informative and gives a description of each feature and how to implement it. Finally, Bitrix24 is free to some extent,
which offers potential users a chance to test and experience its features without investing any funds. Considering a large number of users, it is also easy to get information about the platform from its end users. Overall, it is relatively easy to access information concerning the platform’s performance and functionality. To learn more about Bitrix24, I intend to use it for about one month. The interaction will enable me to understand its features and understand different problems and potential solutions based on hands-on interaction.
HR management software is a critical component of modern management. Bitrix24 is an excellent example of such software. It gives the user a variety of features that facilitate efficient management and administration. The features allow collaboration between employees and the smooth operation of different human resource management tasks. The tool is applicable across various organizations and significantly improves the quality of processes and overall performance. Human resource management software plays an integral role in modern management.
Alić, M. (2015). Bitrix24 – integrated business-information system for sales process support. Professional Paper, 1–5.
Bitrix, Inc. (n.d.). Bitrix24 as human resources information system (HRIS). Retrieved December 4, 2019, from
Dyuzhev, V. G., & Boichenko, O. I. (2019). Influence of Corporate Social Networks on the Innovative Receptivity of Personnel, by Example of Bitrix 24 Software (VO OVEN Ltd). Science and Innovation, 15(2), 55–62.
Mondy, R. W., & Martocchio, J. J. (2015). Human Resource Management (14th ed.). Harlow, England: Pearson.
Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. (2012). Human Resource Management (8th ed.). New York, USA: McGraw-Hill Education.
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